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Thursday, June 23, 2011

What about the Dodd - Frank bill?

This is only an excerpt near the bottom of an article posted at Casey's Gold & Silver Daily by silver expert Ted Butler on the Dodd - Frank bill. For the entire article click here

Emphasis added by me.

"A good number of subscribers have asked me about the retail gold and silver trading ban on many leveraged transactions, effective July 15. The ban was built into the Dodd-Frank Act, signed into law last year by President Obama. It seems some misperceptions about the intent and potential impact of the ban were spread by early Internet blog posts. Other commentators have attempted to set the record straight and are to be commended for their efforts. In terms of any harm to the public or negative impact on the silver market, this trading ban was all much ado about nothing.

"Briefly described, these transactions are highly leveraged (as much as 100 to 1) and usually very short term bets on the direction of gold and silver by individuals operating through foreign exchange trading companies. They don’t involve the actual metal, but are quick bets in a trading environment separate from any exchange or wholesale OTC (Over the Counter) market. With such low margin requirements, this trading was almost exclusively reduced to day trading, where few overnight positions were held. These transactions are as far removed from long-term investment as is possible. No one invests long term on a one percent deposit. About the closest example I can give you about this highly leveraged day trading is the infamous “bucket shops” that existed before the great stock market crash of 1929. These bucket shops involved stock market bets that never found their way to any stock exchange or actual security, but were strictly trading bets between customers or the house.

"The early Internet reports on the retail OTC precious metals trading ban concluded, among other things, that the trading ban was an example of the government intruding on our basic rights or as a precursor to a ban on actual purchases of precious metals. I would disagree. Others suggested that the ban would result in a price smash for silver, as traders rushed to unload positions. That seems unlikely as little real metal was ever purchased. Instead, this was clearly an instance of the government doing the right thing. The only thing wrong was that it took so long for the ban to come into effect. This retail OTC gold and silver trading is strictly gambling; nothing more, nothing less. I am not opposed to it on moral grounds...nor am I happy if some are deprived of trading income...but society has come to demand that any type of gambling be licensed and regulated (and taxed) by a government entity. You can’t open a casino or a horse track or a betting parlor in the US without some type of government approval and regulation, usually at the state level. There was no government approval process for these retail OTC precious metals trading arrangement; they just sprung up.

"What about the CFTC regulating these modern day bucket shops? The problem here is that there is an underlying economic justification to commodities futures trading, namely, to allow real producers and consumers the opportunity to hedge price risk. Our commodity futures markets were not created so that speculators could gamble. Speculators are certainly needed for our futures markets to work, but it is the hedging function that gives our markets their legitimacy. To my knowledge, there was no real hedging that occurred in retail OTC gold and silver trading. That makes it pure gambling, no different than a sudden Three Card Monte game set up on a city street. I know those trading these markets successfully (including subscribers) will mourn the ban and I can empathize with them. But in the bigger picture, this was a market devoid of economic legitimacy."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

10 gram orders -

Delivery - Instructions on orders of 10 grams or more.

1. Send an e-mail to: delivery@kb-vision.de

2. Include your Name, User ID or ID number, Your Invoice number or reference number and Your shipping address.

3. Any other details or instructions for your order and delivery


Progress of Credit / Debit Card Method of payment

Joe Norman sent this (e-mail) to Germany yesterday to Thomas Schranner.

re:Method of payment for our gold

When will Michael Frank have the new system available?
We need Visa / Mastercard / Discover / American Express


He is just working on this, I think at the beginning of next week at the latest.

We are waiting for the confirmations.

For now - we have Bank Wire transfer. PayPal is disabled.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Live Event Schedule:

Top leaders will present the KB Vision opportunity and answer questions.
KB Members can leverage the efforts of top leaders - who will presents the facts as well as answer any questions a prospect may have.

Live Event Schedule:
Weekly Telephone, Video Broadcast and Webinar Times:



Live Conference Call
15 minute Business Presentation + 30 minute Q & A
Joe Norman / Andy Morbitzer / Cheryl Gober
Designed for Prospects - 3 way them in - they will be impressed!

12noon EDT/ 11am CDT / 10 am MDT / 9am PDT

Media: Telephone
Call: 1–605–475–4333  pin: 641077
"Live" KB Vision Video Broadcast
Live / Informative / Interactive
KB Vision Presentation + Q & A
Media: Internet
10pm EDT / 9pm CDT / 8pm MDT / 7pm PDT

Click on the above link 5 minute early!








The Breakfast Club
Complete Affiliate Training  "talk show" with KB Leaders.
Media: Telephone
11am EDT / 10am CDT / 9am MDT / 8am PDT

1–218–862–7200 pin: 794269
Jimmy Larsen Webinar
Complete KB Vision Presentation
Media: Internet
3pm EDT/ 2pm CDT / 1pm MDT / 12pm PDT

Click on the above link 5 minute early!



"Live" KB Vision Video Broadcast

Media: Internet
10pm EDT / 9pm CDT / 8pm MDT / 7pm PDT

Click on the above link 5 minute early!


The Breakfast Club
Complete Affiliate Training  "talk show" with KB Leaders.
Media: Telephone
11am EDT / 10am CDT / 9am MDT / 8am PDT

1–218–862–7200 pin: 794269
"Live" KB Vision Video Broadcast
Live / Informative / Interactive
KB Vision Presentation + Q & A
Media: Internet
3pm EDT / 2pm CDT / 1pm MDT / 12pm PDT

Click on the above link 5 minute early!



Media: Internet
9pm EDT / 8pm CDT / 7pm MDT / 6pm PDT

"Live" KB Vision Webinar

Host: Andy Morbitzer & Cherylanne Gober

Click on the above link 5 minute early!

Monday, June 13, 2011

How to explode your KB group:

If you wish to build this fast, everyone in your line should build in one line together straight down. Yours as well as their referrals will be placed in chronological order under the last person at the bottom of this line, first come first serve, no matter who refers them. One of our guys already has 16 folks under him using this strategy and he just got started last week.

By using this strategy you have several folks building that same line straight down which has a "cascading effect" with everyone helping each other build it as fast and as deep as they can. ONCE that line has gone deep enough for you to qualify for the world wide bonus pool it will build on it's own. Then you can start a second line (which you will control) and then repeat the same process until the 2nd line gets moving on it's own and then finally do the same with the 3rd leg. But you only want to go wide AFTER you have your first leg deep enough to qualify for the world wide bonus pool.  You never want to go more then 3 wide.

With this strategy many have build huge networks of account holders very quickly. Though technically KB is not a matrix or an MLM (legally it's classified as an affiliate network, primarily because it’s free to set up and free to refer others), it does have an explosive networking element. How explosive? Dan who introduced me exploded from zero to 8000 accounts since July last year using this exact strategy. If everyone makes deposits into their gold account in Dan's network, the average account generates $10/month residual. Not to shabby for a years work. And all of this is free. Free to set up, free to refer.  

If you know folks who are business or marketing minded I recommend you have them sign up and jump in line as soon as possible to take advantage of folks being placed in your line. Just think of it as a great movie. The sooner someone gets in line the more folks will be lined up behind them instead of in front of them.

Just send your folks over to the registration page at http://frnstogold.com. They must provide the name of the referrer (you) so we know what line to place them in. Once they submit their registration info we will place them next in line down under you.

This is first come, first serve and the early bird gets the bigger worm, so get word out to your folks quickly. KB just launched last week and word is getting around fast, especially to the stronger marketing folks. I highly recommend you go after your strongest folks NOW before someone else does.

Aside from this, anyone who understands what is going on with the dollar, will want to get in quickly to start turning their dying FRNs To Gold asap before the dollar totally tanks. Timing is everything and for KB the timing is right now!

Things are starting to move in our group. We added several folks just last week. We look forward to hearing of great success for all who are willing to work for it.

Any questions don’t hesitate to message me back.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

15 Fundamental Reasons to Own Gold

1. Global Currency Debasement 

The U.S. dollar is fundamentally and technically very weak and should fall dramatically over the next few years. However, other countries are very reluctant to see their currencies appreciate and are resisting the fall of the U.S. dollar. Thus, we are in the early stages of a massive global currency debasement which will see tangibles, and most particularly gold, rise significantly in price relative to the "dollar."

2. Rising Demand 

When the crowd recognizes what is unfolding, they will seek an alternative to paper currencies and financial assets and this will create an enormous demand for gold. Own both the physical metal and select mining shares.

3. Alarming Financial Deterioration in the U.S.
In the space of two years, the federal government budget surplus has been transformed into a yawning deficit, which will persist as far as the eye can see with talk of "QE3" and so on. At the same time, the current account deficit has reached levels, which has portended currency collapse in virtually every other instance in history.

4. Negative Real Interest Rates in Reserve Currency (U.S. Dollar) 

To combat the deteriorating financial conditions in the U.S., interest rates have been dropped to rock bottom levels, real interest rates are now negative and, according to statements from the Fed spokesmen, are expected to remain so for some time. There has been a very strong historical relationship between negative real interest rates and stronger gold prices.

5. Dramatic Increases in Money Supply in the US and Other Nations 

Authorities are terrified about the prospects for deflation given the unprecedented debt burden at all levels of society in the U.S. Fed Governor Ben Bernanke is on record as saying the Fed has a printing press and will use it to combat deflation if necessary. Other nations are following in the U.S.'s footsteps and global money supply is accelerating. This is very gold friendly.

6. Existence of a Huge and Growing Gap between Mine Supply and Traditional Demand 

Mined gold is roughly 2,500 tons per year and traditional demand (jewelry, industrial users, etc.) has exceeded this by a considerable margin for a number of years. Some of this gap has been filled by recycled scrap but central bank gold has been the primary source of above-ground supply.

7. Mine Supply is Anticipated to Decline in the next Three to Four Years. 

Even if traditional demand continues to erode due to ongoing worldwide economic weakness, the supply/demand imbalance is expected to persist due to a decline in mine supply. Mine supply will contract in the next several years, irrespective of gold prices, due to a dearth of exploration in the post Bre-X era, a shift away from high grading which was necessary for survival in the sub-economic gold price environment of the past five years and the natural exhaustion of existing mines.

8. Large Short Positions 

To fill the gap between mine supply and demand, Central Bank gold has been mobilized primarily through the leasing mechanism, which facilitated producer hedging and financial speculation. Strong evidence suggests that between 10,000 and 16,000 tons (30-50% of all Central Bank gold) is currently in the market. This is owed to the Central Banks by the bullion banks, which are the counter party in the transactions.

9. Low Interest Rates Discourage Hedging 

Rates are low and falling. With low rates, there isn't sufficient contango to create higher prices in the out years. Thus there is little incentive to hedge and gold producers are not only not hedging, they are reducing their existing hedge positions, thus removing gold from the market.

10. Rising Gold Prices and Low Interest Rates Discourage Financial Speculation on the Short Side. 

When gold prices were continuously falling and financial speculators could access Central Bank gold at a minimal leasing rate (0.5 - 1% per year), sell it and reinvest the proceeds in a high yielding bond or Treasury bill, the trade was viewed as a lay-up. Everyone did it and now there are numerous stale short positions. However, these trades now make no sense with a rising gold price and declining interest rates.

11. The Central Banks are at an Inflection Point when they will be Reluctant to Provide more Gold 

The Central Banks have supplied too much already via the leasing mechanism. In addition, Far Eastern Central Banks who are accumulating enormous quantities of U.S. Dollars are rumored to be buyers of gold to diversify away from the U.S. Dollar.

12. Gold is Increasing in Popularity 

Gold is seen in a much more positive light in countries beginning to come to the forefront on the world scene. Prominent developing countries such as China, India and Russia have been accumulating gold. In fact, China with its 1.3 billion people recently established a National Gold Exchange and relaxed control over the asset. Demand in China is expected to rise sharply and could reach 500 tons in the next few years.

13. Gold as Money is Gaining Credence 

Islamic nations are investigating a currency backed by gold (the Gold Dinar), the new President of Argentina proposed, during his campaign, a gold backed peso as an antidote for the financial catastrophe which his country has experienced and Russia is talking about a fully convertible currency with gold backing.

14. Rising Geopolitical Tensions 

The deteriorating conditions in the Middle East, the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and the growing conflict between the U.S. and China due to China's refusal to allow its currency to appreciate against the U.S. dollar headline the geopolitical issues, which could explode at anytime. A fearful public has a tendency to gravitate towards gold.

15. Limited Size of the Total Gold Market Provides Tremendous Leverage 

All the physical gold in existence is worth somewhat more than $1 trillion U.S. Dollars while the value of all the publicly traded gold companies in the world is less than $100 billion US dollars. When the fundamentals ultimately encourage a strong flow of capital towards gold and gold equities, the trillions upon trillions worth of paper money could propel both to unfathomably high levels.


Gold is under-valued, under-owned and under-appreciated. It's long and short term value is most assuredly not well understood by most. At the beginning of the 1970's when gold was about to undertake its historic move from $35 to $800 per ounce in the succeeding ten years, the same observations would have been valid. The only difference this time is that the fundamentals for gold are actually better.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The KB Group - Certifications

Company website: http://kb-vision.com

Company information and certifications:

LBMA Certified (For Purity and Weight) 999.9 Gold

LBMA's London Good Delivery (LGD) Certificate.

Atasay has proved its success through getting accreditation by Istanbul Gold Exchange in Turkey's gold market. 

Thereafter, aiming to upgrade its quality in producing bullion to the international standards, it applied to LBMA (London Bullion Market Association), the most recognized accreditation body in gold markets in the world. 

Having gained a great success in the gold analysis and the quality of  bullion tests carried out by LBMA, Atasay even astonished LBMA and crowned its brand and name with 


ONLY gold that carries the LBMA stamp is considered as acceptable gold currency to settle international debts by the “powers that be.”  Karatbars now has the Atakulche stamp on every card. 



Karatbars International
Königstraße 52
70173 Stuttgart
President / CEO: Harald Seiz
Tel.: +49 (711) 120 408 30
Fax: +49 (711) 222 970 77
Handelsregisternummer: HRA 724683

Worldwide license for the production of Certified Monetary Gold

KB Vision EWIV, Königsstraße 52, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 120 408 30
Bank: Südwestbank AG
Address: Schützenstraße 8, 73033 Göppingen, Germany

Secur Log and G4S    

Both internal and external audits are done on a regular basis.

Gold Production
KB Ltd, Istanbul, Turkey


Jim Deal - frnstogold@gmail.com
Britt and Cherylanne Gober (615) 653-7083

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Account Activation & Upgrade Information

New Video Tutorial

How To:
Register New Members (The Right Way)
Activate (Instructions on How To Upload KYC Documents)
Fund Your Account
Purchase Bullion
SecurLog and G4S Delivery Service (Details on bullion delivery)

Watch This Video Now



 (your account back office)

  Step by Step Tutorial Page:



Welcome to KB Vision - and our growing team!

Your new KB Vision User Name, account number and password
are displayed on the last page after a successful enrollment.

Save this information for future log ins at:


Attention! VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE - to all Affiliates

Many people are showing up as CUSTOMERS - that really want to be AFFILIATES.
This is happening because.......
Far too many people are not following up with the people that you register
as a new member - to make sure they have completed all 5 steps!
People that register an account (new members) must remember the enrollment is only step #1 of a 5 step process.

Step #1 - Register - Your New Member - with a new KB account.
ALL NEW MEMBERS are by default a CUSTOMER (Follow the procedure below to Become an Affiliate).
If they want to refer others and make money they need to complete the following steps.

FYI - A successful registration will display on the last page:
The new member's user name, ID# and password.

This enables new KB Members to log in and activate their http://kb-vision.com website.
Save this information!
From their computer (your new member) they need to complete steps 2 - 5.
Step #2 - Upgrade to Affiliate
Have each new member go to: http://kb-vision.com and log in using their new user ID and password.

You will be directed to a page that asks you if you want to UPGRADE to AFFILIATE.

Click - Become an Affiliate
If are are an Affiliate - you WILL NOT see this option.
If you enrolled earlier (prior to 02/22/2011) and want to check your status.......

Log in
"Mousing over" the "GENERAL" tab and clicking on Upgrade to Affiliate.
If you are already an AFFILIATE - this option will not be available.

Step #3 - "mouse over" Profile - Click on Edit Profile
Insert your new User ID and any fill in any missing fields - Click "Update Profile"

Step #4 - "mouse over" Profile - Click on - Edit Password.
Change your password to one of your choice - or - leave it the way it appears.

Step #5 - "mouse over" Profile - Click on - KYC. Complete the KYC section.

Scan in and upload the 2 documents requested there in JPG or JPEG format.
Tip: Reduce the size of your files and your approval will be much faster.

Click Here - Great Free Website to Edit & Save Pictures

This website - Picnik - allows us to edit KYC documents for a speedy approval.


Upload your documents to Picnik
Click - Re-size (click USE %)
Re-size your document by 50%
Click - OK
Click - Save & Share
Name your file and save in JPG to your computers where you save all your pictures.
Now go back to your KB Vision back office and upload using the below procedure.

This will complete a proper registration for an Affiliate.

If your new member wants to participate in the referral rewards - They must.......UPGRADE to AFFILIATE

KYC (Know Your Customer)

Log in - Mouse over - KYC (Know Your Customer)

Look for: "KYC Document Upload"

A. Click on the drop down box.
"Proof of ID"
Click on the Box to the right "Browse..."
All members must scan in a picture (and upload here) of the front side of

your drivers license, passport or Government ID.

B. Click on the drop down box one more time.
Click on "Proof of Address"
Click on the Box to the right - "Browse..."
All members must scan in a picture (and upload here) a utility, cell phone,

or Bank Statement that has your name and address on it.

Proof of ID and Address - are required by KB Vision to fund an account,

buy bullion and receive referral rewards. 
KB is a Financial Institution. They require proof that you are a legal

citizen and of legal age to participate in the program.

When you have completed the following list you are finished:
Enrollment / Registration
Upgrade To Affiliate
KYC Section
Uploaded your Proof of ID
Uploaded your Proof of Address


If you are listed as a Customer and want to be an Affiliate

Upgrade Account (Customers can do at any time)

This is optional - Only for people that want to earn referral rewards (earn commissions)

(Have the ability to fund your account and buy gold and silver)

(Customer privileges + earn commissions)

Procedure to- Upgrade To Affiliate
*Note: If you enrolled prior to 02/22/2011 you are already an
Affiliate - no action is required other than to Activate your account.

Procedure for Customers to upgrade to Affiliate

Go to: https://kb-vision.com

Log in

* Enter User ID and password

Mouse over the "GENERAL" TAB
You will see a drop down menu
Click - YES - I want to upgrade to AFFILIATE

Activate Your Account
Activate Your Account

Required for everyone!

Go to: http://www.kb-vision.com
Upper right hand side - Click on Login

*Enter your KB Gold User ID  (if enrolled after 2/22/2011)
**Enter your KB Gold ID number (if enrolled prior to 2/22/2011)

Enter your Password that you used when you registered your FREE account.

Now your are in your back office

Mouse over - profile.   

Click "edit profile".

Fill out the entire application to confirm and activate your membership/account - Click Save

Next - Mouse over Profile

Click on - Edit Password

This is where you can change your password - Click Save

KYC (Know Your Customer)

Next - Mouse over - KYC (Know Your Customer)

Look for: "KYC Document Upload"

A. Click on the drop down box.
"Proof of ID"
Click on the Box to the right "Browse..."
All members must scan in a picture (and upload here) of the front side of your drivers license, passport or Government ID.

B. Click on the drop down box one more time.
Click on "Proof of Address"
Click on the Box to the right - "Browse..."
All members must scan in a picture (and upload here) a utility, cell phone, or Bank Statement that has your name and address on it.

Proof of ID and Address - are required by KB Vision to fund an account, buy bullion and receive referral rewards.
KB is a Financial Institution. They require proof that you are a legal citizen and of legal age to participate in the program.

I forgot (or don't have) my password:
On the above menu - mouse over - MORE
Click on Troubleshooting

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