Just click on the below to enlarge. Then hit your browsers "back" button to read the rest of this post.
KB possesses proprietary extraction technology that enables KB to pull additional of bullion (several grams) from other refineries' waste (called 'tailings').
There are currently 95 "top tier" refineries in the world. 89 are Government owned or controlled.
KB is one of 6 that are "privately held" and controlled without Government interference.
KB is the first and only company to produce 1/2 and 1 gram kine-bar grade gold bullion.
KB is paying out record incomes in central Europe. (one of our European team leader's last check was over $600,000 Euro for the month of September. That's $822,000. US Dollars) - Keep in mind that KB launched its marketing arm in Europe in May 2008. - USA / Canada will launch in the very near future. Position yourself, and those you care about now AT NO CHARGE.
A $1,000,000. deposit will "spin off" a $55,000 commission. $100,000. = $5,500 from one client. (at the 5.5% referral bonus level)
Some have asked why there is a premium/mark up on karatbar gold and what is amount. Markup is around 10%. However if folks are concerned about this, consider the following.
Gold that is not karatbar looses value once it leaves the vault (I have heard around 10% or higher). Karatbar does not. The holographic seal is like a "portable vault", so to speak, that goes with the gold after it leaves the vault. Reason being is once non karatbar gold leaves the vault it can be tampered with. Therefore you may not be getting what you are told since gold can be clipped, shaved (this is why coins have ribbed edges) or drilled out and filled in with lead etc. With prices of precious metals on the rise, this is becoming more common. Click here for a recent example. So it's only the word of the holder of the gold that it's what they say it is. With karatbar you have a third party (LBMA) certifying it is what you say and the reputation of that party and their ability to certify is on the line if it isn't. It is this 3 party certification that makes others more comfortable and willing to accept it on face value for goods and services. This makes gold very useful in the day to day world of barter/buying and selling. Well worth the small premium. One of the biggest questions I have received from folks when I suggest they buy gold is, "what do I do with it. Who will accept it for goods and services. I can't eat it etc etc" Karatbar gold in certified small increments addresses this very concern. Also KB's prices are in line with others who offer karatbar gold. From what I have seen most are higher priced then us...occasionally you will find a lower price. I don't know how many offer one gram karatbar gold bullion, but it's only a few from the searches I have done. (For a more complete discussion on price comparison click here) We are also the only company that offers half gram and soon to offer quarter gram karatbar gold, making it even more assessable and usable for the masses. Last of all if folks are looking to buy in bulk and prices are the main consideration KB is not the way to go. This is not KB's niche at this time. KB's objective is to make gold usable and accessible for the masses. No one is doing that like KB.
How many people have a checking or savings account? Just about everyone right?
If you could refer people to a savings account that would pay you every time they made a deposit - would that interest you?
What if you were paid up to 5.5% on every deposit your referrals made for as long as they made them?
What if the company also offered you a bonus of as much as $900 US for each person you referred that set up a savings plan, would that be of interest?
What I am referring to is the world’s first and only GOLD & SILVER Bullion Savings program.
This savings program is with a privately owned, totally solvent 16 year old Financial Company.
This company also owns its own gold mines, precious metals refinery, and bullion mint, eliminating the middle man and associated costs. Customers can even store their bullion at no cost. Once they are a preferred customer, shipping is also free.
Now let me ask you another question similar to the original one. How many folks do you know that own a precious metals savings account? Probably no one, right?!
In this current economic climate everyone should have some precious metals in their portfolio. Even conventional financial advisers are now recommending holding a minimum of 5 to 20% in precious metals. With minimum deposits as low at $65 a month just about everyone now can.
Applications to open your precious metals savings account are accepted NOW.
OH – by the way – did I mention this is FREE for both you to participate in and FREE for your referrals to set up their account?
This is NOT a joke or a hoax – this is real!
If you want more details call or email me. Thanks
Hey Bob/Mary
I have recently opened an account with the world’s first and only gold savings account. Each deposit is exchanged for gold or silver in small weights so people can own gold and silver bullion for as little as $65 US Dollars per deposit.
You can withdrawal either gold, silver or cash at any time. If you refer someone and they open an account and commit to making deposits you will make no less than $130 to as much as $900 each time you refer someone, just like I am doing right now.
Referral bonus's are also paid in gold, silver or cash. Through their referral program you can actually accumulate gold for free! There are no enrollment or set up fees. It’s free to set up.
Want to know more? Shoot me a message.
For some additional tips and ideas click here
We would like to reveal to you a few details concerning our refinery in Turkey.
KB Ltd. (Production)
·The gold refinery in Istanbul (TR) was founded 10/19/2009, with Registration number 00971, by Mr. Mike Walter Koschine and Erdogan Asik. ·Owner of the mining rights in the mine in Caglayan, province of Artvin in an area of 1,704.4 hectares, you can see here
To be able to operate independent of the international market, Mike Koschine has done another step in the right direction in his planning. Own license to the gold mine in Turkey, see above, was acquired with the purpose to produce own gold. The process contains two 2 steps. First step is to receive the license to be allowed to look for gold in the area. This license runs for 3 years by law. Then one receives the mining rights which have a term between 15 and 30 years.
KB Edelmetall uses a method of gold production which has been specifically designed to avoid burdening the environment in any way. For this purpose machines, with which only KB Edelmetall works, were developed by engineers.
The stones are crushed to grain first and then in a process the stone rubble is separated from the metal. A method that is more complex than the conventional methods but all that is extracted from the mine of KB is processed without toxic chemicals like cyanide etc.
Quotation of Harald Seiz in the last newsletter:
“More than ever before, I have recognized with which engagement and inspiration they work at this refinery. With new ideas and new procedure, ecologically friendly, future-oriented and up-to-date “green” machines that no other refinery currently has.
There are always people who have a goal and strictly pursue it, go through thick and thin, survive a storm, do not lose focus by an earthquake and if the days of storm are over, can draw on unlimited resources.”
We believe that all refineries of the world that use toxic chemicals in their process should rethink their approach to acquire gold.
Everything is possible!
This is a life philosophy which I pursue strictly and specifically. As you have seen in the last newsletter, all conditions are fulfilled to be able to build up an international business. It still lacks some small mosaic pieces to be able to start with full strength, energy and new software.
I feel the spirit which surrounds our activities to be able to build up something “big” together with you. Deep in your heart you know for a long time, that what we do is sensible and charitable. We will be the winners at the end.
Business partners, customers and everyone who will join us, I recommend to look at the following video. This video was passed to me. If you find yourself in such a situation, you realize that some problems are so small and that we should focus on the important things in life. Only then we can achieve our desired goals. I wish you a lot of success with all my heart.
Please note: The pin code for the 15 minute callwill change periodically. (onlinecalls will remain the same). Be sure to check it before passing along to others. If it does not work, message me back at frnstogold@gmail.com and I will check on the most recent number. The number for the 20 second and 3 minute call is good indefinitely.
If you missed the regular Monday morning you call (10/18) you missed a good one! After Joe did his presentation there was some great Q & A with special guest Steve Kelley. Good news however. It was recorded and at the link below.
Steve is a fellow KB partner like you and I and the only US contingent that recently toured the KB facilities. He's in some of the tour pictures you may have already seen ( click here for tour pictures ) .
Steve is an International Business Consultant for several impressive international clients. He was VERY skeptical (at first) until he did his due diligence. He turned over every stone looking for a reason why KB would not work. He eventually enrolled and has become a very valuable asset to the KB Team One group.
The first 10 minutes or so is Joe's regular presentation. The rest is Q & A with Steve and Joe.
As I have studied the referral bonus system I am coming to understand you don't want to start a second line (or leg if you prefer) much less a third until you have built one line deep enough to get into the bonus pools. A quick review of the referral bonus plan can be viewed here
For a more thorough training on the comp plan go here
Up until now we have been letting folks sign up directly instead of doing it for them, however this is not only confusing but it's better and easier to take your builders and place them in two legs at most in a line straight down e.g. if you know 4 folks who likely want to go at this as a serious business, place the two strongest referrals direct to you and one of each of the other two under those first two i.e. two legs two deep. The reason is the big money is in the bonus pools which are paid on depth, not width, and you only need 2 legs to tap into the biggest money.
When I first came in I place around 15 or so direct to me. NOT the way to do it as it turns out.
So here's my recommendation. Place builders under builders and those who simply wish to utilize the service of a metals savings account, place direct to you. Those who simply want an account aren't interested in building it (and therefore could slow down your "power leg" from going deep),won't likely appreciate anyone you place under them, plus CAB bonuses are only paid on personal referrals, not folks you place under others.
So how do you insure builders go under builders.
1. Place your strongest two referees direct to you and any builders after the first two under them (or under your strongest leg at first to push it deep. Once that leg is at the point of putting you into the bonus pools start pushing the second one deep and then the third one and so on).
2. Teach your builders to do exactly the same thing.
3. No longer have anyone enroll themselves. Instead you send them the enrollment instructions/form at the below link and have them return it to you. Then you can control where they go and place them at the bottom of your deepest leg to keep it driving deep i.e. send the referral to the person at the bottom of your leg and have them enroll that person under them.
4. Teach your people to do exactly the same thing.
If everyone under you duplicates this process, you will drive this deep, fast and generate a lot of excitement because YOU will get into the bonus pools quicker and so will your builders.
Here's a great close up of one of KB's karatbar gold KB cards. The certification means a third party (LBMA or London Bullion Market Association) with no vested interest has verified the card contains exactly what it says i.e. a half gram of 999.9 pure gold.
Yes, there is a small premium for karatbar gold however because of this 3rd party certification over 3000 merchants in Germany are now accepting these cards (and growing) in exchange for goods and services. Without this only a handful of those in the know will barter and accept gold in exchange for goods and services.
The genius of KB is it put's the purchase of gold within the reach of the masses and makes the use of gold convenience and practical.
KB is the only company that offers 1 gram karatbar gold certified by LBMA of it's purity and weight.
Click hereto check out some additional photo's from a recent tour of KB Facilities.
Given the state of the economy and the dollar I always keep my eyes and ears open for services that are helpful and needed. I recently came across just such a service. After several days and hours worth of checking them out I am very impressed. This is a service that has tremendous value and is a real necessity in the current climate. This service is presently in Europe and will soon be offered in America.
The Product
The world's first and only metals (gold/silver) savings plan!
You can open a savings account for FREE and contribute as little as $65 US Dollars per deposit.
Manage and control your account online.
Deposits are optional (just like where you bank now) with complete control on frequency and size of contributions (over the $65 minimum).
Deposits are exchanged for gold or silver in the exchange rate for that day.
Liquidity! Your gold and silver can be exchanged for cash at any time. Cash is made available again in a few working days (or through a soon coming debit card).
No "middle man" premiums or shipping costs.
For more information send an email to your email address.
The Company
KB-Edelmetall is the parent company. The savings account is KB Gold.
Corporate headquarters is in Munich, Germany.
KB-Edelmetall, is a financially secure and fully self funded company with 16 years of successful operations in the financial industry.
KB owns and operates its own mining, refining and production facilities enabling them to eliminate typical account maintenance costs and still maintain a healthy profit margin.
Their precious metal depository is located in St. Gotthard Massif in Switzerland. The same facility used by the Swiss government.
KB is 1 of 2 companies in the world that produces and distributes 1 gram bars.
The first and only with 1/2 gram ingots and bars.
What if I mention this to others?
FREE enrollment if you wish to refer others!!!
KB Gold Franchise fee - FREE
Self replicating website - FREE
Again, if you wish to know more send an email to your email address