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Monday, February 28, 2011

Why be a KB affiliate and not just a customer?

If you signed up with KB just as a customer, you may wish to consider changing over to an affiliate. Here are some good reasons why. 
  • It cost nothing to change your status to an affiliate. 
  • If you refer others to KB, you can earn a referral fee and be paid in gold or silver. 
  • This can be in addition to anything you put into your savings account yourself and help build your own little nest egg of precious metal through KB more quickly.
  • Of course you can build a serious residual income through a large network of other account holders/affiliates as well.
However you don't have to be a mega builder to be an affiliate and refer others to KB. And it's FREE either way.

If you wish to change from a customer to an affiliate, log in to your back office. Check and see if there is an "affiliate stats" tab in the menu after you log in. If so, you are already signed up as an affiliate and do not need to change anything.

If you do not you are only a customer. Here are the steps to change your status. 
  • log in to your back office. (see link below if you are not sure how)
  • click on the "gold account" tab on the menu across the top of the page. 
  • click the affiliate option in the drop down menu

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clearing up some confusion on getting folks set up

Getting existing KB affiliates activated with the new back office and signing up new affiliates are two difference procedures.
  • IF someone is ALREADY signed up with KB under the old system then they need to LOGIN (NOT register) at the new KB back office at https://www.kb-vision.com. For more details on that process go to
  • IF someone is brand new and has NEVER signed in with KB, they need to go to your KB affiliate link e.g. https://www.kb-vision.com/?s=79158 (Your link will have your KB number in place of 79158 [ if you are a new sign up your link will be the user name you have chosen e.g. https://www.kb-vision.com/?s=yourusername and not your KB number ] and then click the lime green "Sigup Today" button on right side of the page and then follow instructions. For more details of this process go to   

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Website Set-Up Instructions

The following applies to those who signed in before Feb 22. 

If you signed up after Feb 22, you can disregard the below instructions. You are already automatically set up in the back office by virtue of your signing up with the new simplified procedures.

Go to: http://www.kb-vision.com
  • Go to upper right hand side of page - Click on Login
  • Enter your KB Gold ID number
  • Enter your Temporary Password provided in software launch newsletter/email. (If you can't find this letter click here)
      Now you are in your back office
  • Click on profile. 
  • Click edit profile.
  • Fill in profile. Use same info provided when you originally signed up
  • Click "update profile"
  • Click on - Edit Password
  • Change to a permanent password of your choice - Click Save
  • Next - Mouse over - KYC (Know Your Customer)
  • Click on the drop down box. 
  • Click on the appropriate option (Drivers License or Passport)
  • Follow upload instructions. 
  • Be sure to sign up as an affiliate as well as a customer.  
For further instructions on how to be sure you are an affiliate and not just a customer click here

    If you wish to also view a tutorial on setting up your back office click here 
    • Be patient. Depending on your internet connection it can take a couple of minutes for the video to load. The process above is fairly simple so you may not feel it necessary to even watch this. However for those who do, here it is. Also the video portion doesn't start until 50 seconds into the presentation.

      Wednesday, February 23, 2011

      How to sign folks up now.

      Folks, the sign up process has just been made much easier. It's only a one page form new prospects access through your personal referral page/link. 

      Once you guys set up your new back office your referral link can be found at the top of the genealogy page in your back office. It will look similar to http://www.kb-vision.com/?s=79142 but with your KB number at the end. 

      Note: if you have signed up on or after Feb 22, your link will have in it the user name you have chosen e.g. https://www.kb-vision.com/?s=yourusername and not your KB number.

      *If you haven't set up your new back office yet click here.

      Once you have your referral link, only use this link from now on to sign folks up

      Signing folks up

      After you have your new referral link, your new prospect will go to your page and simply click the lime green "Signup Today" button on the right side just below the large KB Vision Logo. This will bring up a simple one page online form to fill out. 

      *Note: your KB number (and user name if you are a new sign up) is automatically on this form and the new affiliate will automatically be assigned to you by virtue of them signing up through your page

      (In the coming days those of us already on board will be able to change our address to a more personal address such as http://www.kb-vision.com/frnstogold. New folks now signing up will be able to pick a name such as "frnstogold" right out the gate, so pick a good one!)

      Building deep

      If you wish to build a line deep to max out the compensation pools you can now easily place someone at the deepest level of your group by putting the affiliate number in the above link and have them sign up under it. 

      Here's how. Go to your genealogy page. Use "tree view" and click on "open all." Find the deepest rep i.e. deepest level. Send the link of that rep to the new prospect. 

      For example if the deepest affiliates number is 89629, their page would be


      Send your new affiliate this link to sign up instead of yours and they will go in under that rep.

      Or if you wish to place someone under any particular rep you wish to help build under, do the same. Just send them to the link with that affiliates rep #.

      Keep in mind, affiliates can only be placed under other affiliates that have activated their back office, so if you haven't already, click here and get your back office set up ASAP.

      Folks, things just got a lot easier and it's only going to get better from here. Time to kick it into high gear!

      Who's who on the Frnstogold team?

      Hey guys

      Now that we are in the back office we can see what our folks are doing.  I'd like to recognize the following for making things happen (even though we have not officially launched in the US yet i.e. set up to actually start taking deposits. We anticipate this happening in the next 2 weeks).

      There are several who have 1,2,3, 4 and 5 affiliates on their team. Great job, all of you. However I wish to recognize the following top affiliates in terms of total affiliates on their team.

      At the top is
      1. Willie with 105. Way to go Willie!!
      2. Charlie who is under Willie has 76 on her team. Keep your on eye on Charlie! She's going to tear this up. (Yes Charlie is a lady)
      3. Rudy with 18. Rudy is a sleeper. When he gets focused things will really heat up.
      4. Milt with 10. Milt's claim to fame is bringing Ber on board. ONE good referral may be all you need.
      5. Ber under Milt with 9. Don't know Ber personally but heard some good things.
      6. Gail with 7. Gail has some major players in her group lined up to come on board.
      Way to go guys! What a bang up job you guys are doing. Now that the software launch has occurred we will give you guys updates on who's doing what. Keep up the great job! You guys rock!!!

      Having trouble logging in?

      By now you should have received your email notice from KB Corporate of the software launch. (If you haven't seen it be sure to check your spam/junk mail folder). These went out on Feb 22 and have "KB Vision Newsletter - Software Launch" in the subject line.

      In this notice will be your "user name" i.e. your KB number, and a temporary password. As mentioned in this newsletter the new affiliate back office is at http://kb-vision.com. Login at the top right hand corner of this page with your KB# and temporary password provided in this notice.

      If for some reason you are having problems logging in with the password provided or you can't find or never received this email newsletter:

      Go to http://kb-vision.com
      • Click "login" in the top right hand corner
      • Click on "forgot password" at the bottom of the drop down login menu. This will bring you to the "forgot password" page. 
      • At the bottom of this page enter your KB# where it says "your username"
      • Click "send password"
      You will be emailed a new temporary PW to the address you originally signed up in KB with, which you will be able to log in with and set up. (If this doesn't show up within a few mintues check your spam/junk mail folder).

      Once you receive the new email with your temporary password click here for instructions on how to set up your new back office

      Wednesday, February 9, 2011

      Join the US Vendor directory for FREE!

      If you have (or know of) a business in the USA that is willing (or eager) to accept KB gold as payment for goods or services, add yourself (or help them add themselves) to this free vendor directory.

      This is a GREAT WAY for a business to get exposure to the KB membership and ALSO a great way to open the door to enroll business owners into the program as depositors, business builders or both.

      Here is the direct link: http://practicalgold.com/directory

      Think about this...every business that lists in the directory will get immediate exposure to every KB member in the US. A growing list I might add. Even if they only do business with local patrons, friend will tell friends and word will get around. AND Even if those businesses don't wish to keep the gold or silver they accept as payment, they can simply convert it back to cash and have it loaded on the debit card that comes with a KB account. Why they would not want the metals, I don't know, but they have the option of converting back to cash if they prefer.  

      Register for free, and have things in place for the soon coming launch. Check back often to see the growing list of businesses that accept KB Gold.


      This is not a KB corporate site but done by a KB affiliate. HOWEVER it is generic. The site says to get back to the person who sent you if they wish to enroll as a KB affiliate in addition to listing their business. I would instruct anyone you send here to enter info regarding their business and nothing more. Better yet, enroll them FIRST before sending them to the directory enrollment page.

      Sunday, February 6, 2011

      Weekly calls and webinars

      In an effort to help everyone gear up for launch the below link is a schedule for weekly calls and webinars. You will want to bookmark the below page and check it often as the schedule may change from week to week.


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